February 2009
This Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared by the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to address the potential environmental effects of a proposed 305-acre fee-to-trust land acquisition in unincorporated Madera County, California for the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians (Tribe). The BIA is the federal agency that is charged with reviewing and approving Tribal applications pursuant to 25 CFR Part 151 to take land into federal trust status. The proposed action includes a trust acquisition for gaming purposes and the approval by the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) of a gaming management contract between SC Madera Management LLC and the Tribe.
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- Cover and Title
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary and Table
- Section 1 Purpose and Need
- Section 2 Alternatives
- Section 3 Affected Environment
- Section 4 Environmental Consequences
- Section 5 Mitigation Measures
- Section 6 Consultation and Coordination/list of Preparers
- Section 7 Acronyms
- Section 8 References
- Cover and Title
- Table of Contents
- Appendix A Cooperating Agency Correspondence
- Appendix B Updated Public Notices
- Appendix C Memoranda of Understanding
- Appendix D California Natural Diversity Data Base, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and California Native Plant Society Lists: Madera Site
- Appendix E Biological Constraints Analysis: Madera Site
- Appendix F USACE Correspondence Letter and Identification of Waters of the U.S.: Madera Site
- Appendix G California Natural Diversity Data Base, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and California Native Plant Society Lists: North Fork Site
- Appendix H Biotic Assessment: North Fork Site
- Appendix I Revised North Fork Water and Wastewater Feasibility Study
- Appendix J SHPO Concurrence Letter and Cultural Resources Reports (Bound Under Separate Cover)
- Appendix K Site Grading and Storm Drainage Study
- Appendix L Revised Groundwater Study
- Appendix M Updated Traffic Impact Study
- Cover and Title
- Table of Contents
- Appendix O Updated Environmental Noise Assessment
- Appendix P Environmental Site Assessments
- Appendix Q NRCS Consultation
- Appendix R Socioeconomic Assessment
- Appendix S Revised Air Quality Technical Appendix
- Appendix T Construction Emissions Mitigation Plan
- Appendix U Madera County Resolution in Support of Proposed Project
- Appendix V Federal Aviation Administration “Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation”
- Appendix W CAT and CARB GHG Strategy and Early Action Measures Reports
- Appendix X Tribal State Gaming Compacts